2 december 2023:
Zanzibar to Zürich
Connecting flight from Zürich to Amsterdam
Our experience:
- Total delay: > 12 hours.
- An awful tiring night, not at all receiving the necessary care. Completely left to our own devices.
- A total lack of proper information, which caused a lot of uncertainty.
- Extra costs.
- Missed appointments next day: up till now still not refunded.
- One lost suitcase (was found after more than a week, missing the electric shaver: stolen? ).
This all caused serious inconvenience to us.
Due to the international rules (to which Edelweiss is bound to), we have the right to receive compensation:
€600 because of a serious delay > 5 hours, and exceeding a distance of 3.500 km.
Edelweiss however tries to avoid its obligation by stating that de-icing is grounds for an exception to this claim for it would be an extraordinary situation.
But de-icing is part of a normal handling procedure at certain weather conditions not to be be confuesed with extraordinary circumstances.
Zwakke punten
Onbetrouwbaar. Grote vertraging (12 uur). Ons recht op compensatie wordt weggewuifd. Geen verantwoordelijkheid nemen. Onvoldoende informatie verstrekken. Geen voorzieningen tijdens vertraging. Chaos met de koffers.
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